Features that you must include in your mobile app

Mobile apps are the latest addition to reaching out masses digitally. Today, every business, big or small, requires an application to engage their customers and build a better brand image in the market. That’s why mobile app industry is evolving and thriving with time. Now you can get an app for almost every aspect of life whether you need home delivery of your favorite meal, need to call a cab, for buying a wardrobe or any other normal day activity. Companies and brands are investing heavily in this sector that’s why mobile app development companies are under immense pressure to meet the challenges of ever transforming mobile app industry. We at Cooperative Computing believe that it is the client’s right to know about the features that every mobile app belonged to any sector must have to give the users better experience and can be beneficial for them.

In the next lines, you will read some features that every app must have and which you must ask from your developers to include in your app before publishing it on the different app stores.

App Security:

Just like every valuable thing in the world needs security; your mobile app needs a little bit more due to your competitors who always keep searching for the point to hurt your business. In the case of some sectors like banks and healthcare institutes, this concern is high due to many cyber-criminals who can take out valuable information of the users and can use them in any way for any purpose.

Artificial Intelligence:

Google, Facebook, IBM and many other big companies are investing in artificial intelligence then why not you should have it in your app? The success of artificial intelligence in the mobile app can be seen throw the many cloud-based apps already on the top ranks of apple and android app stores. Because through this, they are getting the leverage of enhancing the user experience.

Mobile Gaming:

Mobile Gaming had been transformed from single player to multiplayer, and now you can play with dozens of people at the same time. Due to this, integrating social media platforms into your website becomes necessary. Cooperative Computing developed some exciting mobile games and always include this feature in mobile or even while providing website application development services.

Cloud Technology:

Developing mobile app on cloud is one of the most common trends of 2016. Users now use multiple devices and to cater all those devices, cloud technology is the best option. With it, a user can experience the same features and data on every device whether smartphone or desktop computer.

It also refers to the 3rd platform according to as mentioned in IBM website:

The ICT industry is in the midst of a once every 2025 years shift to a new technology platform for growth and innovation. We call it the 3rd Platform, built on mobile devices and apps, cloud services, mobile broadband networks, big data analytics and social technologies.


These are the most important features which you must ask from your developer to add in your app. We at Cooperative Computing make sure to add all of these features and much more in your app after your approval so your users can get the maximum satisfaction from your app.

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