5 Mobile App Development Trends to Stay In 2018

Smartphones and humans are thick as thieves in this era of modern technology. Everything that was once done either physically or through large machines has now gone mobile. For instance, people used to wait in long lines outside the bank in order to get their utility bills paid, days of making so many efforts just to get a billed paid has become a part of the past. According to the report carried out by TouchPoints, nowadays 2.1 Billion people use smartphones globally.

Smartphones are empty canvases which are colored and brought to life by the various applications that are installed onto it as per our needs and requirements. Mobile applications are not showing any signs of ever coming down rather they are set to gain more ground in the upcoming years. Mobile applications follow several trends and they are to be kept following in the year 2018, check them out:

1.Online Payment Procedure

As mentioned above, the days of standing in line waiting for your turn to pay for anything you buys are in the past. Customers which are engaged in the online shopping tend to make their payments through the new and online payment portals. Credit/debit card usage has been considerably increased ever since they were taken online.

Ever since this was released, people have adapted this convenient procedure of payment and in all likelihood, itll soon spread far and wide.

2.Applications based on AR and VR

It was observed in the year of 2017 that the augmented and virtual reality went overboard. Other than just gaming and entertainment, it started to provide people with new and different ways of interaction, designing, and development, entertainment.

Augmented Reality seems to be targeted by the industries such as healthcare, engineering, retail and real state. Whereas, Virtual Reality seems to be striving to take the gaming and entertainment to a whole different level.

3.On-demand Applications

People tend to find the most convenient manner of getting their things done, these are the applications that have broad horizons and are being the hub of peoples attention. The biggest example of on-demand mobile applications is AmazonDash, which proffers you everything, starting from toilet paper to everyday groceries. Uber can be considered one of these most applications, where on the tap of the screen you can get a car at your doorstep. This is a trend which seems to gain ground and will spread extensively soon enough.

4.Cloud computed Applications

Applications that are integrated with cloud tend to handle more mobile traffic than the ones which arent. People prefer to use the applications that are cloud-based as it wouldnt take up much space in their internal memory and would provide faster access.

As per the report released by Cisco VNI Global Mobile Forecast, cloud applications will take up the space of 90% of the mobile data traffic by the year 2019. Whereas, it is predicted that the cloud traffic is said to grow nearly 11 times in the upcoming years.Cloud-based mobile applications are set to gain the attention of enterprises that are always concerned about securing their data from any breaches as it provides a secure place for all their data.

5.Quickly loaded pages

The most significant trend that is likely to be the apple of everyones eyes, ever since the introduction of AMP by Google the loading speed of the pages have been accelerated considerably. People are loving this advancement and Google has decided to gift its clientele with a separate search index for each mobile devices web.

This acceleration in the loading rate of the mobile devices will help lower the bounce rate of the website.

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