How to Incorporate NFTs in Your Marketing Strategy

2 years ago

The future of marketing is digital. We’re in an age when we can live our ‘second life’ totally online. From…

Metaverse-as-a-service: A Virtual Universe With Immense Business Opportunities

2 years ago

The metaverse era has arrived. Since the dot com era, it's difficult to recall any technology notion that has generated…

3 Customer Engagement Tactics to Create Meaning in The Metaverse

2 years ago

The metaverse is presently the focus of intense competition among IT businesses. However, aside from significant financial investment, it is…

8 Supply Chain Trends for 2022 – Are You Ready to Compete?

2 years ago

The world's vision of the supply chain is being reshaped by shortages and extended lead times in practically every retail…

A Glance at Virtual Commerce in The Metaverse

3 years ago

Imagine savoring a freshly brewed coffee with your friend in a park. He mentions a new pair of sneakers that…

The Transformative Effect of Platforms in Businesses

3 years ago

Some of the most well-known tech companies have one thing in common. They are all hugely successful, paradigm-shifting companies that…

5 Metaverse Marketing Examples For Digitally Enabled Businesses

3 years ago

In 2021, the metaverse became increasingly important. Dozens of brands are embracing the next generation of the internet, from luxury…

Are You Part of the Accelerated Economy?

3 years ago

Welcome to the accelerated economy. What took months in previous years, can now easily be done in days. Current technology…

How Conversational AI Is Revitalizing Customer Experiences?

3 years ago

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll…