Some of the most well-known tech companies have one thing in common. They are all hugely successful, paradigm-shifting companies that have substantial market values and they keep growing. Apart from that, they are platform-based businesses that have made a lot of money because of how quickly they can change and adapt to new opportunities. As […]
In 2021, the metaverse became increasingly important. Dozens of brands are embracing the next generation of the internet, from luxury items to limited-edition collectibles to digital concerts. In spite of its infancy, the metaverse will play a significant role in business and marketing in the future. What should be your metaverse marketing strategy? We have […]
Welcome to the accelerated economy. What took months in previous years, can now easily be done in days. Current technology has the ability to increase the speed at which business functions are done when used right. To be successful a business once had to measure their Speed to Market in months for new products & […]
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” ~Warren Buffett If you want to be relevant in today’s society, you need to know your clients, understand their questions and difficulties, and find new methods to help them. Your target audience’s […]
McKinsey’s research suggests AI-enabled supply chain systems reduce costs by 15%, resulting in increased revenues. How can businesses use AI and ML to make smarter supply chain systems? Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are being utilized to improve company operations and outcomes by seamlessly integrating into Business Functions. Currently, the most common uses are […]
There is little doubt that we are entering a new era of digital experiences and that the commerce systems and solutions required to support them must also evolve to keep up. This year has been a breakthrough year for online retail. In the previous 18 months, we’ve seen tremendous growth, driven by a radical shift […]
Digital platforms are no longer just a strategy for tech-savvy start-ups. They are now a must for any organization. “Businesses which do not embrace platforms risk being left behind by their competitors, who see them as a need and a foundation for new value generation,” says Accenture in a report. As a result, digital platforms […]
Marketing of today will no longer be valid in the metaverse. If you have a business, you might realize that the consumer of today is smart and to win them over you need to iterate your marketing and branding strategies with the latest trends. Over the past few years, a lot has changed which makes […]
Most businesses don’t begin with a clear vision of the goal in mind. Instead, they take a “point solution” approach to solve business problems. As a result of this way of thinking, a poor user experience is almost always the result. In practice, this paradigm does not function and can lead to constant frustration from […]