
Marketing of today will no longer be valid in the metaverse. If you have a business, you might realize that the consumer of today is smart and to win them over you need to iterate your marketing and branding strategies with the latest trends. Over the past few years, a lot has changed which makes […]


Supply chain incapabilities cost retailers $1 Trillion loss each year. Digitization in sales, marketing, and customer service is common, but with the supply chain, there is a lag. McKinsey reports that an average digital transformation shift of the supply chain is 43%. The COVID-19 has disrupted the retail industry making businesses realize the importance of […]

digital-transformation -shift

The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation where conventional businesses have transitioned to the digital world. A survey by TechRepublic reveals that 60% of the businesses have altered their business model and invested more dollars in becoming a digital-fit enterprise. Moreover, Adobe reports that eCommerce sales have surged to $4.2 Trillion in the post-COVID world. […]


In June 2021, Mark Zuckerberg shared an overly ambitious idea with his team. Instead of just a social app that connects people, Facebook is a technology company willing to develop interconnected experiences straight out of a sci-fi movie. Mark announced a new world: metaverse. Previously the company’s focus was to develop products for communities, creators, […]

Digital Transformation Myths

The world’s biggest brands will undoubtedly make a few mistakes in their digital transformation journey, even after kicking off their digital transformation. Interestingly, most companies make similar mistakes. To help you get a jump on your digital project, we bust seven digital transformation myths in this article. The digital transformation myths are prevalent in many […]

American specialists started creating advanced innovation of digital technology in the mid-twentieth century. Their strategies depended on numerical ideas recommended by the seventeenth-century German mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who proposed a binary computing system. His advancement motivated such numerical codes as American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) that described objects with digits. Digital technology […]

Web Hosting Solutions Texas USA

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to begin or enhance your own business, the beginning stage ought to, with no questions, be an investment in your new or existing site. Why is a Website Important for your Business? Regularly, a site is the exact opposite thing entrepreneurs consider. However, to ensure they finish […]