Marketing of today will no longer be valid in the metaverse. If you have a business, you might realize that the consumer of today is smart and to win them over you need to iterate your marketing and branding strategies with the latest trends. Over the past few years, a lot has changed which makes […]
Most businesses don’t begin with a clear vision of the goal in mind. Instead, they take a “point solution” approach to solve business problems. As a result of this way of thinking, a poor user experience is almost always the result. In practice, this paradigm does not function and can lead to constant frustration from […]
Since the previous two years, digital interaction has crossed a turning point, with customers connecting more digitally than in person. A recent study by Statista revealed digital transformation as the number one priority of businesses to increase operational efficiency. To adapt to the epidemic and its related constraints, fast digital acceleration was first viewed as […]
Supply chain incapabilities cost retailers $1 Trillion loss each year. Digitization in sales, marketing, and customer service is common, but with the supply chain, there is a lag. McKinsey reports that an average digital transformation shift of the supply chain is 43%. The COVID-19 has disrupted the retail industry making businesses realize the importance of […]
The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation where conventional businesses have transitioned to the digital world. A survey by TechRepublic reveals that 60% of the businesses have altered their business model and invested more dollars in becoming a digital-fit enterprise. Moreover, Adobe reports that eCommerce sales have surged to $4.2 Trillion in the post-COVID world. […]
In June 2021, Mark Zuckerberg shared an overly ambitious idea with his team. Instead of just a social app that connects people, Facebook is a technology company willing to develop interconnected experiences straight out of a sci-fi movie. Mark announced a new world: metaverse. Previously the company’s focus was to develop products for communities, creators, […]
A recent study shows that 40% of B2B sales are driven by mobile devices. According to BigCommerce, the B2B eCommerce market size was estimated to be $6.7 trillion in 2020, and it is bound to increase exponentially in the coming years. It’s a sign that industry buyers want an easy, transparent, straightforward buying process. Plus, […]
Digital transformation is harbingering in a new era of supply chain management where customers & suppliers are bonding in unique ways, hazing the lines between the digital & physical world obliterating the organizational boundaries. Digital transformation is an inevitable revolution, shaped by various technological disruptions, including Big Data, 3D printing, AI, AR, and interaction between […]
In order to sharpen your skills in website development, you will need to spend hours browsing online forums, watching videos, and following tutorials. However, you can also stay on top of trends by reading web development blogs, which provide a wealth of free, fresh content. Even the smallest blogs cover every topic, including fashion and […]